Bands touring in Europe. Hundreds, maybe thousands of artists, soloists and bands are looking for performances abroad. The challenge, the adventure and the chance to discover a new audience are a good reason. But also in support of a release by a record company or by the artist themselves are good reasons to go on tour. If a record company has released your new music they will often also have a touring budget and plan.
Today more and more artists work independently and release their own music. Then those costs of a tour are for your own account with perhaps some support from a grant.
Via today's internet media it has become much easier to introduce your music to a new audience. But if you get some success, and the downloads increase, those new fans want to see you live too.
That is the moment to think about a tour. But a tour costs a lot of money and if you are not yet well known, not every organizer wants to pay a big fee. Nevertheless, the costs are considerable if you consider the travel costs of the group and your instruments must also be included. Instruments and stage clothing ensure overweight and therefore extra costs for many budget airlines. Land transport and the costs of accommodation and per diems are increasing rapidly. All in all a costly expedition. But being on tour is priceless as an experience.
One tour is not a tour. What we mean by this is that you start building fans through a tour. Those fans want to follow you and keep following you, but then you have to make sure that you come back on tour regularly. If you do it right then you build a group of so-called super fans. These fans are your ambassador and will follow you at every step of your career and share all your messages with their friends. For these fans, you have to come back regularly.
Now that you have reached the point where you have decided to go on tour with your fellow musicians, it is time to see where you want to play. In Europe, there are thousands of places to perform, from small music clubs, cafes, and halls to medium and large music festivals. For a tour to be successful it is best to book as many contiguous performances as possible within a travelable distance.
Whoisontour community is a step in the right direction. Here we present a growing group of artists who are planning a tour. Organizers can find a match for their next event here.
With the extensive tools to fill in your artist account and to be able to communicate with organizers and fans, we make searching for the right stages a bit easier.
The same applies to the organizers. Here you can read biographies completely anonymous, listen to music and watch video clips to make the right choice. It also applies to the organizer that they know with some certainty that an artist actually intends to go on tour to Europe as this is one of the conditions for being accepted.
We challenge artists and organizers to make good use of the possibilities of whoisontour. Maybe you will find that ultimate match of the year here and you can build a long-term relationship.
And for the fans, welcome, create an account, get in touch with new artists and idols and 'spread the word'. You are our ambassadors.